C (11/301)

From:Tim Hanson
Date:02 Aug 99 at 18:22:07
Subject:Re: (no subject)

From: Tim Hanson <msinister@connectfree.co.uk>

Michael Sage wrote this on 02-Aug-99 at 13:36:39
Hi Michael

->> Forget debugging tools... be a man and print it out,
->> and go through it with a
->> pen and a few spare hours ;)
->> Andrew Markwell
-> Ahh. A kindred spirit. :-)

One point about debugging tools though is that they will pick up errors
that don`t show up on a particular machine but may on another. My current
project refused to run on several different machines while working perfectly
on mine. Running Cyberguard pointed up some dodgy pointer use which resulted
in low memory accesses which for some reason my machine tolerated. I put them
right and hey-presto it worked on the machines it had previously failed on.
These were realy crap coding errors and in a large project would have been
impossible to spot with the print and think method. Cyberguard saved me a
couple of days of frustration.
The alternative is of cource to never make a mistake. :)

Tim Hanson,
by the River,Canterbury, Kent.
Amiga A1200T,`040/25,603e/160,32MB Fast,BVisionPPC,
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